隔壁论坛有人发邮件,收到回复了,看来他们确实没有预料到来自中国的疯狂强购阿!Sorry, your Groupon won't be available for use until Friday 16th March. Before the partner business is able to redeem Groupons, they need a complete list of everyone who bought one, and we won't have that until the deal finishes selling. When the deal finishes selling, everyone who purchased the deal will get their voucher at the same time.
You will receive an email with your Groupons in as soon as they are ready to print, but you cannot begin to redeem until Friday. You can always log into your account by signing in at to check on the status of your Groupon.
Sorry we can't get these to you sooner. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
Kind regards
就看hotelclub认账不认账了 卖了,付款了,应该会认,可能就是会慢了,大家一起等吧 估计HT没给这么多券,还在跟HC交涉嘞!已经出券的朋友们 悠着点啊~~别最后把我们这些后来者全咔嚓掉了! 11号买的没收到PDF,先说付款被拒后说订单被接受,发邮件询问,回复如下:
This matter is currently being looked into at the moment but I assure you that once we have an update, we will be sure to get in contact with you.
Thank you for your patience, please contact me if you have any further questions.
我还有重复扣钱的呢~ 对了。我们是最后一批的,等周五嘛 本帖最后由 李丁丁 于 2012-3-13 22:48 编辑
Sorry but we are having trouble processing your registration.
Please Check your voucher code again or contact Groupon UK on +44 0203 5100 410 or for further assistance.
晕11号中午下的单,付款成功,可一直没有收到卷,高朋不可能又赖帐吧?之前就有朋友对它有意见,说不相信高朋了,我还说赌一把呢! 我也是11号中午下的单,付款成功,一直没有收到卷,但愿高朋不要又赖帐哦