Thank you for your e-mail.
With reference to your e-mail regarding the difference between the room types, we would like to advise you that as per the terms and conditions, if you book, pay for a qualifying hotel room rate on the HotelClub website, and then find the same room type, in the same hotel, for the same dates, at a lower price on a website other than www.hotelclub.com or www.ratestogo.com online, after taxes and fees, we'll refund the difference.
Please note that it is necessary all the details should be same to claim for low rate guarantee and we are unable to proceed further as the name of the room type is different.
We hope that the information provided has been helpful.
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. 本帖最后由 boobinhai 于 2012-3-17 11:24 编辑
其实一样,贱就贱在OLOTELS没有标注是 STANDARD ROOM 你看他家其他的房型都标注了,,,如果标注了这个HOTELCLUB就会退差了!
boobinhai 发表于 2012-3-17 11:23 static/image/common/back.gif
其实一样,贱就贱在OLOTELS没有标注是 STANDARD ROOM 你看他家其他的房型都标注了,,,如果标注了这个HOTE ...
神马???就因为这个???我勒个去!!!那我要是写信给OLOTELS,问他这到底是不是 STANDARD ROOM ,有用么? 我估计没用,,除非他们网页上标注房型 本帖最后由 libragirl 于 2012-3-17 11:54 编辑
boobinhai 发表于 2012-3-17 11:47 static/image/common/back.gif
那我再试试好了,我又看了看,贱的是hc,人家好多别的网站都没标standard room..... libragirl 发表于 2012-3-17 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif
那我再试试好了,我又看了看,贱的是hc,人家好多别的网站都没标standard room..... ...
Mediterra Art Hotel welcomes you with 1 suite, 1 pasha suite, 1 honeymoon suite with an ancient fireplace, 4 deluxe rooms and 14 standart rooms.
找了半天,这个酒店一共就14个standart rooms 4 deluxe rooms, 我也实在看不出来哪里不一样了。唉。
唉,我在最初订AVISTA的时候,当时也是发现其他网站最低价的deluxe rooms没写deluxe rooms,所以怕出问题,果断订了 Grand deluxe rooms。 刚才看了各个网站,都是说这个酒店主要的有14间 standart rooms 和4间 deluxe rooms 两种房型
但是你看OLOTELS.COM里却是三种房型,一种就叫Double or twin room, 一种叫superior room 一种叫deluxe rooms, 这个和酒店情况不一致啊。 奇怪。所以说这个OLOTEL上的房型信息有些不正确,可能这也是你被拒绝的原因。
花的L洋 发表于 2012-3-17 12:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Mediterra Art Hotel welcomes you with 1 suite, 1 pasha suite, 1 honeymoon suite with an ancient fi ...
我已经给otoles发信了,问是不是standard room,看看怎么回复吧,不知道有木有用~差得少也就算了,差了这么多钱,非得弄明白怎么回事不可 花的L洋 发表于 2012-3-17 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
刚才看了各个网站,都是说这个酒店主要的有14间 standart rooms 和4间 deluxe rooms 两种房型
但是你看OLO ...