本帖最后由 Mellus杨 于 2015-2-15 09:44 编辑我的五一亚庇的房子也被砍单了。。预定了五个晚上,五一期间减200美元后刷卡31.45美元
Dear ExpediaCustomer,
Your Expedia purchase 1977297936XXhas been cancelled due the followingreasons:
To make this purchase, you used a coupon that was made available to Discover®cardholders for purchases made on their Discover card. This coupon wasimproperly distributed to some non-Discover cardholders and improperly used forpurchases made with cards other than Discover cards. The terms and conditionsof the coupon require that a Discover card be used for payment. The terms andconditions of the coupon also include other restrictions including aprohibition on the use of more than one coupon per account and a restrictionlimiting use of the coupon to U.S. customers. For your reference, below is acopy of the coupon that you used.
才砍啊 我们群的昨天都被砍完了 本帖最后由 nick1212 于 2015-2-15 09:56 编辑
欢迎加入2015年马来西亚亚庇,群号码:431209564 刚才被砍的?我砍1剩4一直没消息… 我四月的都砍了别说你五月的了 没收到取消邮件,网站查询不了,坐等 我8月的2单亚庇都被砍了!:'( 我3月的等砍了两天,结果等来两个邮件,尼玛,一个是评价的,一个是购买当地其他服务的,都是Expedia的,艹 小芒果妈妈 发表于 2015-2-15 09:52
我3月的等砍了两天,结果等来两个邮件,尼玛,一个是评价的,一个是购买当地其他服务的,都是Expedia的,艹 ...