一周多了没退款,来了下面这封邮件Dear Expedia Customer,
Thank you for contacting us about your request for a full refund from your canceled reservation at Hotel Fleuris Palawan.
We apologize for the delay in answering your e-mail. We are currently experiencing an extremely high volume of e-mail requests, preventing us from responding within our normal standards.
Our records show that your reservation was canceled because when you make this purchase, you used a coupon that was made available to Discovercard holders for purchases made on their Discover card. This coupon was improperly distributed to some non-Discover cardholders and improperly used for purchases made with cards other than Discover cards. The terms and conditions of the coupon require that a Discover card be used for payment. The terms and conditions of the coupon also include other restrictions including a prohibition on the use of more than one coupon per account and a restriction limiting use of the coupon to U.S. customers.
Your reservation was paid by using an American Express Card.
Your reservation is non-refundable and no refund has been processed.
If this does not answer your question or solve your problem, feel free to reply to this message or call us at 1-800-EXPEDIA (1-800-397-3342) or 1-404-728-8787 (for callers outside US and Canada) and reference case ID: M-9612306.
Thank you for choosing Expedia.
Expedia Customer Service Team 就是跟你说因为你没有Discovercard
MS都退款了的 我是天天 发表于 2015-2-26 11:03
Your reservation was paid by using an American Express Card.
Your reservation is non-refundable and no refund has been processed.
这个就得继续和exp理论才行了 Your reservation is non-refundable and no refund has been processed.
只看这句貌似真的是被反薅了。。。用skype打电话问问客服吧,理论上应该是可以退的才是。。。 邮件EXP主动发的,还是楼主去问的? 去网站问的,结果回了这个 从字面看,就是被反薅了。不可取消,所以不退。 看我这运气,英语太烂,哪位大大好心帮我电话一下,可有偿。定单信息如下:Puerto Princesa Thu Feb/26/2015 - Mon Mar/2/2015 Itinerary # 197748279361 hzchd 发表于 2015-2-27 11:27
看我这运气,英语太烂,哪位大大好心帮我电话一下,可有偿。定单信息如下uerto Princesa Thu Feb/26/201 ...