本来在Expedia订了两间房都使用了优惠,结果一单原价一单优惠。优惠的被无情的砍了。。这单还坚挺着(不可取消)七晚上花了353.22$ 因为一些原因我联系到酒店希望7个晚上换成两个房间,而且还要往后延一天。对方同意了,但是他
We now reconfirm your booking to the date you mentioned.
Please you have to make down payment to enable us tokey in to our central system.
Your money is refundable after your arrival .
Or you can ask your agent Expedia to make the change for you. Please contact your agent to help you on that issue.
For us we need down payment to change your booking in our central system. Sorry i have to follow the rules ,i'm just a worker in the hotel not the Director.
We need down payment before i can help you to change everything in our central system.
You money will be given back to you after you arrive in our hotel. 两种情况: