本帖最后由 mag爱fish 于 2011-8-16 09:45 编辑大家以后出行一定要注意安全,尤其是去登山徒步的,还是尽量找专业的导游带着,多跟家人保持联系。
Missing Chinese Tourist Found Dead in Lombok
Remains of Missing Chinese Trekker Found on Mt. Rinjani, Lombok
(8/15/2011)The remains of a Chinese tourist, Wenjing Zhu (40), who had been missing since February have been found on the slopes of Mount Rinjani in Lombok.
The skeletal remains of the man were discovered by two local men in a ravine at a height of 2,500 meters.
Park officials for the Mount Rinjani National Park evacuated the remains on Friday, August 12, 2011.
Two men from the village of Sesait in North Lombok were trekking in the Park when they slipped down a ravine and to find the man’s bones. In close proximity they also discovered a hand phone, passport and camera.
At one point the evacuation of the remains were held up when the two men ask if they would receive the US$4,000 reward offered for Zhu’s discovery by his family.
Wenjing Zhu of Foshan, Guandong, China last made contact with his family on February 22, 2011. His family reported the man’s disappearance to Indonesian Police and Mount Rinjani National Park officials, offering a cash reward for his recovery.
The head of the park, Syirafudin, told Kompas.com that the Chinese national apparently went hiking alone on the mountain at a time climbers were banned from entering the park due to increased volcanic activity on Mt. Rinjani.
原文 http://www.balidiscovery.com/messages/message.asp?Id=7317
我记得他妻子在微博上发过帖,但是现在找不到了,不知道她知道这个消息没。有认识的朋友请转告一下。 微博上只搜到这些:【佛山驴友印尼失踪】39岁的佛山人朱文进,以出版图书为业,喜徒步,曾携妻余智华历澳洲、埃及等地。2011年2月22日,朱文进独行印尼龙目岛林查尼火山,失踪。
广东卫视曾报道 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU3NjI0ODUy.html 悲剧啊,好好的出行变成了不归路 刚联系他家人了,真是很难过的事情。 http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/thumbnail/7730908dgw6df5vhfu9agj.jpg
大家出行一定要以安全作为第一位的,另外,一定要结伴哦。 :( 怀念我们的小黄
:funk: 祈祷~期盼奇迹会出现 悲剧啊