We are extremely sorry that we have to inform regarding your booking reference: 94335-12832151Once again regret to inform you that we could not honor the booking.
We do really hope that you could understand the situation.
Thank you for your kind attention and look forward to hearing your acknowledgement.
With kind regard,
Evie Dhiani
同被砍,定着玩玩的,大家准备怎么撕?!!! 还要去撕吗? 我的也被砍,说退款了吗
打12315呗 我也一样被砍单了,怎么退款呢 同砍{:5_367:} 邮件吵架{:7_345:} 有时间,有精力的穷儿,就去折腾吧。。。 有力气的去吵架,可以说为了这次旅行买了机票,付了订金,请退钱