本帖最后由 sheep555 于 2012-5-4 20:43 编辑花了1个小时{:7_322:},终于把那个VISA的卡号给破解出来了{:7_324:},现在可以免费申请凯悦金护照的白金卡了,需要的同学赶紧上{:7_340:}Platinum is Hyatt’s entry level status, which offers free internet, a 15% points bonus, preferred rooms, and 2PM late check-out. It’s also worth noting that Hyatt Signature Visa cardholders get Platinum status for as long as they have the card.https://www.visasignature.hyatt.com/ 卡号:
4423 9422 3122 1304
?????…… 这个有什么用? orange1019 发表于 2012-5-4 20:47 static/image/common/back.gif
offers free internet, a 15% points bonus, preferred rooms, and 2PM late check-out 怎么老是不对啊? 谢谢,我注册成功了,但是我的会籍好像还是没有变化呀 不太明白 本帖最后由 就随便玩玩吧 于 2012-5-5 13:55 编辑
好像不行总是Your session has timed out. Please refresh or close your browser and try again 谢谢,成功注册了,虽然凯悦白金不会去住,但其他用处可大着呢。。。。。。。 LZ问下,什么时候会变成白金,我注册好了,现在还是金会籍啊?