今天我收到他们的邮件了:Thank you for your enquiry.
For your kind information, kindly allow us to make the refund onto your credit card account within 2 to 3 weeks working day.
Should you require any further information or clarification, you could reach us at +6(03) 79625888
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am. – 9.00 pm.
Closed: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
有问题的可以留言,我会及时回复的。 你好,你给tune发邮件用中文还是英文?英文的能否给个模板,我英文很菜 谢谢楼主分享!能否将你的英文邮件参考一下? 饿,我觉得我的英文也不标准,就不献丑了,反正大家把大概意思说清楚,+ google 翻译,他们那边的工作人员应该能猜到大致的意思了。:lol tune的账户怎么能转到信用卡账户的?你给他提供卡号了? 刚看到他需要你提供信用卡的卡号啊 faye 发表于 2012-6-15 09:53 static/image/common/back.gif
哪里说要卡号了?我的没要,奇怪。 咕噜 发表于 2012-6-15 10:01 static/image/common/back.gif
For your kind information, kindly allow us to make the refund onto your credit card account within 2 to 3 weeks working day.
理解歧义,我看到他说会2-3周转到你的信用卡账户,如果你不提供你的卡号,他会自动转到你付款的账号吗? faye 发表于 2012-6-15 10:09 static/image/common/back.gif
For your kind information, kindly allow us to make the refund onto your credit card account within ...
我觉得是,因为他们前一封和这一封邮件都没有问我要账号。 lz有消息了,继续来反馈啊,多谢了,我这嘛进展还没有呢!