SOS!请大家帮忙 cheaptickets 不可取消订单定错的问题
刚刚,手残记错的到达吉隆坡的时间,在cheaptickets订了机场的TUNE。结果发现日期提前了一天,订单好显示不能取消和更改。请问cheaptickets 有处理相关问题的邮箱没?我翻了网站取只有电话。呜呜!!!怎么办?大家说说有什么好方法没?有邮箱的,之前我也是不可取消的房间跟他们交流过 我也交涉过,预定后十分钟内赶紧打电话,没任何用,电话给都花了二百多。最后就当钱丢了 cdygg 发表于 2016-4-30 22:22
成功取消了,customerservice@cheaptickets.com这个邮箱发过去的,他们回复给我是这个,你可以先试试前面一个,大概隔了几天才回复的 cdygg 发表于 2016-4-30 22:54
成功取消了,这个邮箱发过去的,他们回复给我是这个,你可以先试试前面一个,大概隔了几天才回复的 ...
沟通 过程中有什么技巧没?
Dear cheaptickets
my CheapTickets booking number is*****. i have a nonrefundable two-bedrooms reservation for ***** from *****.but the airline change my schedule and i have to leave Melbourne to Cairns on *****.
And you could care about my other two reservations on cheaptickets staying at Melbourne from ***** (CheapTickets booking number:*****) and staying at Cairns from ***** (CheapTickets booking number: *****). furthermore, i have the same hotel ***** staying at Melbourne and the policy is free cancellation so that i have a mistake thought that there is the same reservation policy when i reserved this hotel again
can you help me to have a conversation with hotel to cancel my reservation and refund 132.74 dollar to me?
那时候写的,希望能对你有所帮助~ cdygg 发表于 2016-4-30 23:00
Dear cheaptickets
my CheapTickets booking number is*****. i have a nonrefundable two-bedrooms rese ...
谢谢 发邮件 沟通试一下
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