本帖最后由 开心就好8 于 2016-11-13 15:39 编辑刚抢了17年5月15日杭州飞吉隆坡,16日吉隆坡飞毛里求斯,22日毛里求斯飞吉隆坡,24日吉隆坡飞澳门的机票,含餐不含行李每人2312元人民币。顺便屯了一张17年10月23日南昌飞芭堤雅的往返182元的机票,就算到时候不去也损失不了多少钱。有一样行程的约起,毛球前面两天准备住洲际用积分换,后面四天想住民宿可以拼房拼车。
已经汇总!~ 一般男人1981 发表于 2016-11-14 12:52
请看置顶帖!~ Dear Guest,We regret to inform you that AirAsia X will be suspending flights from Kuala Lumpur to Mauritius effective 25th March 2017.We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused, and would like to offer you the following service recovery options:1. Refund: Obtain a full refund of the amount equivalent to your booking ; OR2. Credit Account: Retain the value of your fare in a credit account for your future travel with AirAsia. The online Credit Account to be redeemed within 180 calendar days from the date of issue ; OR3. Move flight: Change to an earlier travel date (before suspension) on the same route without additional cost and subject to seat availabilityOnce you have selected one of the above, kindly contact:
[*]Call Centre - lists of localised assistance (excluding Malaysia and Singapore)
[*]Live Chat (Login to AskAirAsia.com with your member ID)
Please disregard this email if changes have been made.Should you require any further assistance, kindly submit the online form on our website.是不是这条线路取消了啊?楼主准备怎么办啊