Expedia 30澳元折扣代码,最低消费300澳元才能抵扣
折扣代码:GOAUSSIEPromotion period
Qualifying booking: This voucher code discount applies only to one new Expedia Special Rate hotel (subject to the restrictions set out in our terms and conditions below) bookings made online at www.expedia.com.au
Voucher code value: $30 off one eligible hotel booking
Minimum Spend: $300
Voucher Code Redemption Period: : 26 July - 3 August, 2012
Travel Period: 26 July - 31 December, 2012
{:7_322:} 300澳刀收吧鸟啊 稀罕你 发表于 2012-7-26 20:42 static/image/common/back.gif
。。。。。我看邪恶了 最多九折咯 顶LZ{:7_322:} {:7_330:}{:7_330:} 只可以酒店对吧 机票+酒店不可以吧 有人定过吗?