之前买了dealber的Airbnb 折扣券的朋友,都是怎么处理呢?
如题,这两天试了不能录入到帐号,买了券的朋友有谁用得了? 我还没试,到时如果行的话照用,不行的话就去退 根本用不了!估计我们都被骗了!邮件发了几封都没回,让美国的朋友打他们客服电话是空号,facebook一堆投诉他们欺诈的!David Corob
· 2017年2月27日
I'd rate this company up there with Enron stock. Seriously, if it's not a scam, it's the next worse thing. First the deal has no restrictions listed, but then majority of flights are unavailable when you got to book. False advertising. Then they commit to have tickets to you in 48 hours, per the website. 30 days later no ticket. Breach of contract. Then they won't even respond to a refund request. It's small claims court for me, if I can't find a class action suit already in progress. But the people who started this rip off, probably already took the money and ran.
Juliana Madan
· 2016年11月23日
I really don't know what to make of this company. I have tried several times to contact them about a ticket to go to Florida. The toll free number does work- in the mornings & the lady who answered said I had to wait till early December to get a confirmation.Worse still is the fact that the deal would also expire in December not leaving much time for finding yourself another ticket- since I purchased 2 tickets. What a mess - what a waste of money. I should have booked this through a better reputed agency. I am ready to write off my loss.Most of their corresponce is by Sabrina or Jane from Dealber & the phone does get answered but it does not give you a better answer than what is already stated by Jane or Sabrina. 我也买了好几张 哎 必须要美国账号才能用gfit card充值吧。不过你换美国地址会让你重新认证美国身份。 根据楼上几位说的,看来这家还有可能涉嫌虚假销售. 现在比较关心的是:如果用美国账户充的话,还能不能用?如果可以,倒也是个办法. 不存在美国账户的原因,联系了Airbnb,根本都不是有效的礼品卡code! 打了他们网页和Facebook留的电话,都是空号! KiKi_Iz6qQ 发表于 2017-4-3 17:02
那现在如何处理呢?我看有一千多人买了,买上一张,不知道如何搞 wjsoldier 发表于 2017-4-3 14:14
根据楼上几位说的,看来这家还有可能涉嫌虚假销售. 现在比较关心的是:如果用美国账户充的话,还能不能用?如果 ...