小弟有问题请教下:我有一趟航班是亚航国际航班晚上11点左右到klia2 然后第二天早上9点多马航M航站回国内。因为有老人小孩还有部分托运行李。请问下领取行李后再去过境签对吧?那klia2的sama机场快捷酒店是要先过境签才能住还是我住个6小时出来再去签过境签然后去马航的M航站?还有原本亚航lcct附近的tune离马航的klia会远吗?或者新的klia2的tune合适?最好能经济实惠的!谢谢各位了
KLIA2的sama-sama位于klia2的转机区,在不入境的情况下才能入住,对你可能并不合适,况且价格也并不便宜;原亚航LCCT的tune酒店直线看起来不远,实际乘车需绕一个大圈,大概坐车要20分钟以上,不过你早上飞机还是比较迟的,酒店也有班车机场接送,应该也合适,最方便的的还是KLIA2的tune或者M航站楼的萨马萨玛克利亚酒店(5星级,如有携程599-300就只要300多),但是价格都比较高。 感谢楼上的大神!没有携程599-300券。我再找找有没有其他airbnb或者附近的民宿吧! 或者有推荐的吗?因为之前去过境或者转机都在lcct。新迁的都没去过 就是klia2的tune了,没更好的选择了 最后选择了orange.tune还是太贵了。orange 4人房才224。加上酒店的shuttle bus往返接送140rmb也还好 酒店给我的邮件:
Usually family room can only accommodate 4 adults as it consist of 2 queen size bed, you can also have 5 person in the room if you are okay with it.
The rate is not including breakfast but there is fast food restaurant in walking distance if you want to have your breakfast there, 7Eleven also available in walking dintance.
We do have transportation available upon request. The details as per below:-
Charges will be:
*RM30 1 - 3 person
*RM50 for 4 - 7 person.
*Midnight Charges (00:00 - 06:00AM) 50% from price above.
*Additional Charge: More than two luggage will be charge RM2.
*Waiting place for guest at KLIA 1 is Level 1 and Door 3.
*Waiting place for guest at KLIA 2 is Level 2 and Door Terminal 3.
*Only accept Cash payment for Shuttle service.
Our shuttle services 24 hours, after your arrival at the airport,pass immigration line/claim luggage please call us so that we can arrange our shuttle to pick up you.
You can call us at +60387053055 or Whatsapp at +60102021001 when you arrived, so we can pick you up.
We also suggest our guest to use Uber as it easy and convenient than our shuttle and available regularly. You also can take a taxi at the airport transportation hub to go to our hotel, the charges is more or less the same with our shuttle charges. For UBER roughly around RM35 from airport to our hotel even though you came pass midnight its due to airport charge/tax but if from our hotel to airport normally the fare is around RM10 - RM15. 也可以参考这家,适合转机住宿。
http://www.skystarhotel.com.my/index.php/our-rooms 楼上这家有人住过吗