作为深圳首家万怡品牌酒店,深圳联投东方万怡酒店坐落于深圳宝安区松岗镇商圈核心地带,未来粤港澳大湾经济区内,毗邻光明新区、宝安机场和福永码头。酒店设有250间现代化客房和11间套房分设20层至29层,同时配备全日制餐厅、行政酒廊和设备先进的多功能会议室。酒店秉承万豪国际酒店卓越的管理文化及服务理念,凭借享誉全球的万豪服务,力求为每位宾客奉献卓而不凡的品质体验。驱车15分钟即可抵达光明城高铁站,20分钟抵达深圳宝安国际机场。酒店周边配套有东方park商业中心,集办公、购物、餐饮、娱乐、展示为一体。15 minutes to Guangming High Speed Station, 20 minutes to Bao’an International Airport. The hotel is equipped with Dongfang Park shopping mall, which intergrates office, shopping, catering, entertainment and display.
拥有250间的精美及独特客房和11间套房,俯瞰繁华的城市景观,现代化装饰风格,简洁明亮的设计,典雅宁静的时尚气息及温馨舒适的布置为客人提供完美体验。250 exquisite guest rooms and 11 suites, you can overlook the prosperous urban landscape. Modern decoration style and concise design provides guests with perfect experience.
万荟轩 Pavilion
万荟轩餐厅-简约空间里的开放式盛宴,早餐提供选择多样的中西式自助早餐,午餐是独具特色的广式经典茶点,晚餐时分则提供品种丰盛的海鲜自助晚餐,中西式美味让您在舒适放松的环境里大快朵颐。另设四间豪华包房尽显您尊贵品味、是您款待宾朋、阖家相聚的理想之选。The Pavilion restaurant has 180 seats and four private room, which is an ideal choice for you to spend time with friends or business dinner. We offer delicious breakfast buffet every morning, classic Cantonese Dim Sum at noon and lavish seafood dinner buffet at night.Enjoy the specialties delights in the delicate and fashionable environment.
高踞酒店28层的行政酒廊,尽览迷人景观,专属款待行政楼层住客及万豪礼赏会员。The Executive Lounge sits high on the 28th floor. Here, and enviable level of personalized services and exclusive benefits are extended to executive floor guests and Marriott Rewards Elite Members.
761平方米的会议空间,包含430平方米的大宴会厅和5个多功能厅。会议空间设计简单高效,通过水平隔断的设计,宾客根据需求可分开单独使用,也可联通为整体空间。融合潮流设计及先进设施设备,是举办时尚盛会、婚庆安排、商务会议的理想之地。761 square meters of meeting space, including a 430 square meter grand ballroom and 5 function rooms. Featuring with high-level audio and video equipment, accommodate essential function to cater meetings in different scales.
太偏了、、 好偏啊~~~不过如果还有住二送二的offer还是值得去刷的~什么时候开业啊?