本帖最后由 chinajoy 于 2012-9-1 00:00 编辑Dear XXXX,
This is regarding your reservation attempt for itinerary number XXXXXXX.
We are terribly sorry, but we are unable to complete your reservation request at this time. Rest assured that no charges have been placed on the credit card submitted for this request.
Please contact the Berjaya Langkawi Resort directly at 60-4-959-1888 in order to process a reservation.
Thank you for using our service.
Norlando S.
Please include Itinerary # XXXXXXX when replying.
超级郁闷啊,难道要我直接联系酒店?已经扣款成功了啊,无语啊! 如何是好啊 大家帮忙出下主意 感谢 上面不是写no charge了么?应该没扣款呀