我是西藏 发表于 2018-4-20 12:43:07


本帖最后由 我是西藏 于 2018-4-20 13:06 编辑

什么是国际驾驶执照?目前签约联合国《道路交通公约》国家和地区已超过180多个。根据公约规定,持有本国驾驶执照的人员,申请办理国际驾驶执照后,在国外将得到当地交通管理部门给予的免注册礼遇。也就是说,公约成员国驾驶员,除了考取本国驾照之外,还可以申请办理成员国之间通用的驾照,这就是“国际驾照”。为了方便不同国家之间开车,并能让各国交警看辨别跨国驾照的真伪,全球一些国家签署了《联合国道路公约》(英文缩写:IDP),公约规定缔约国官方出具一本有8种语言的官方翻译件,这样,其它国家的交警就可以辨别出其它国家的驾照是否合法,这就是传说中的国际驾照真身。据调查,记者发现“国际驾照英文全称 是 International Driving Permit,简称为 IDP 或译成‘国际驾驶许可证’,常有卖家翻译成international driver licence 来混淆概念。 大多数机构办理所谓的“国际驾照”,其实是通过国际汽车协会以及其它一些非正式国际驾照颁发机构办理的International Driver’s License(IDL)或International Driver Document(IDD),与真正意义上的国际驾照International Driving Permit(IDP)有本质区别,《联合国道路公约》规定要求本国驾照必须由驾照所在国开具的IDP才有效,并要求跨国开车时要有本国驾照及国际驾照同时出示才有效。IDL与IDD说白了就是个驾驶证的翻译件,但并非所有租车公司都认可这个证明,而且即便用所谓的“国际驾照”成功租到车,若出现事故保险公司可能拒绝理赔,一切后果还得自行承担,因此并不正规。

我是西藏 发表于 2018-4-20 12:45:01

IDP,International Driving Permit ,有效期1年。


我是西藏 发表于 2018-4-20 12:51:59

本帖最后由 我是西藏 于 2018-4-20 12:53 编辑


Moving from outside Canada
Welcome to B.C.! After moving here, you have 90 days to switch your valid licence to a B.C. driver’s licence.
The 90-day rule does not apply if you:
are visiting as a tourist for up to six months
have a valid student exemption
are temporary foreign worker with a federal work permit designating that you are in the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP). Workers in the SAWP may drive for up to 12 months on a valid licence from their home jurisdiction. If you’re staying longer than 12 months under SAWP and want to continue driving then you will need to get a B.C. driver’s licence.
Getting a B.C. driver's licence
What driving experience is required?
Your current driver's licence or driving record must prove at least two years of driving experience.
If you don't have two years of driving experience, you will receive a Class 7 or 8 licence with graduated licensing restrictions.
Proving your driving experience
Class 7 Restrictions (On your Novice licence)
Class 8 Restrictions (On your Learners licence)
More information about the graduated licensing program
Getting documents translated
If your licence or driving record is in a language other than English, an ICBC-approved translator located in B.C. will need to translate your documents.

Language services
Giving up your previous licence
If you qualify for a new B.C. driver's licence, you will need to surrender your previous licence to ICBC. B.C. law requires that you only have one driver's licence.

首先你要考取加拿大驾照,你必须有合法的2个身份证明(护照+身份证),另外还需要有在加拿大可以停留超过6个月的签证,即IMM1442签证,一般包括学习签证(student pernit)作签证(work permit)或陪读签证(visitor recorder),有了这几样东西就可以去官方指定机构icbc去申请考取驾照了!因此一般旅游签证(visitor visa)在加拿大是不能考取当地驾照的!

我是西藏 发表于 2018-4-20 13:05:36

What to bring to your appointment
Required ID
Your current driver's licence
Fee for your licence
Proof of two years' driving experience
Step 1: Take the knowledge test at any driver licensing office.
The knowledge test is a multiple choice quiz that tests your knowledge of road signs and the rules of the road. You’ll need to get 40 out of 50 questions right to pass.
Take a practice knowledge test online
Take the knowledge test at one of our driver licensing offices to get your L
Step 2: Take the class 5 road test
With two years' of non-learner driving experience, you'll need to take the Class 5 road test. Note: Bring another qualified driver with you for your test in case you don't pass.
More information about getting your N (Class 5 road test)
Book a class 5 road test
If you don't have two years of non-learner driving experience, you'll need to go through the graduated licensing program. You will get credit for any non-learner driving experience you can provide.

2.如果你在中国取得的驾照没有超过2年,那你只能去参加N7,即7级路考,这个通过后就可以拿到7级绿色驾照了,你必须持有7级驾照2年以上,才可以继续报考高级驾照,即CLASS 5,即5级驾照考试.
3.如果你在中国取得驾照超过2年,那你笔试合格后,可以直接参加CLASS 5路考,通过后就可以拿到5级驾照了,其实7级和5级考试要求差不多,2者区别只是CLASS 5要考核高速开车,而N7考试是没有这个要求的,毕竟只是初级驾照.


南方燕 发表于 2018-4-20 14:12:46


侧耳倾听 发表于 2018-4-20 16:54:48


晓晓宝宝 发表于 2018-4-23 17:06:58


cdygg 发表于 2018-4-23 22:51:48


szwfn 发表于 2018-4-23 23:29:46


我是西藏 发表于 2018-4-24 02:46:17

晓晓宝宝 发表于 2018-4-23 17:06

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 温哥华如何考取当地驾照和申请IDP国际驾照