Dear Madam, Normally, according to an agreement between China and Turkey, tourism visas are issued only to tourism groups who apply through certified travel agencies. But, if you believe that you present an exceptional case and therefore wish to apply for an individual tourist visa, we will consider your application. Please present, along with your passport (and a copy of your passport) and visa application form, your previous passports and visas –if available-, your return flight and hotel reservation (all hotel reservations if you are going to travel to more than one city in Turkey), your bank account statement and other proof of solvency like title deed of your house, registration certificate of your car, etc., and a reference letter from your employer/institution that shows your salary and guarantees your return to your job after turning back from Turkey. If your husband is supporting you, then you must present your marriage certificate and proof of your husband’s economic situation. Please also present a printed copy of this e-mail at the time of your application. Kind regards. Her tür vize başvurusunda istenen belgelerle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye, Büyükelçiliğimiz internet sitesinin (www.pekin.be.mfa.gov.tr) Türkçe, Çince ve İngilizce sayfalarından, “Bilgi Notları” (Info Notes) başlığı altından ulaşabilirsiniz.Detailed information regarding visa application requirements can be found on our website at www.beijing.emb.mfa.gov.tr under the title “Info Notes”.T.C. PEKİN BÜYÜKELÇİLİĞİ KONSOLOSLUK ŞUBESİTURKISH EMBASSY CONSULAR SECTION土耳其驻北京大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东5街9号邮编:100600
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