2.质疑该邮件合法身份,无法验证是否来自雅高官方,只会认可来自于accor.com后缀到邮件并将无视此邮件。继续要求入住。如果无法收到则将追究雅高泄密的责任。个人信息,信用卡,够他喝一壶的。 大家一定要团结,不接受这种擅自更改合同的行为;其次要集中微博转发抗议此事件的处理 追究雅高泄密的责任...NB!雅高给跪了{:6_710:} http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/contact/claim-form.shtml
刚刚到这个地址填了邮件发到雅高官方的客服了,希望能有所进展 加入斗争,支持维权! 为什么我还没收到邮件,真想回复他,i do not accept !{:5_367:} 这个强啊。。。。 本帖最后由 sutton 于 2012-9-12 22:11 编辑
Hello there,
I don't believe this email could be from Accor. As a frequent traveller, I travel a lot with Accor hotels and I am the platium member of Accor.
Firstly, I don't think that Accor has the right to cancel or change my reservation without my permission. The reservation have been made and the deal is done. The contract is done and waiting for the execution. I have arranged the flight to bkk.
In the meantime, I highly doubted that this email was a fraud. the reason is:
1. That the email came from a public email address cannot be identified
2. My order information is NOT in this email
3. it ask me to write a email address similar to Accor or Novotel Address. but it is NOT ended with Accor.com or Novotel.com.
4. The Accor Official Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter) has a new twitt to refer this is a valid booking.
The action I am going to take,as follow:
1. I will ignore any information from this email adress or @novotelbkk.com. All the email from these address will be deleted at once. It could be fraud message and I need to keep my privacy. I will NOT share any my personal information unless I get the futher confirmation from accor.(The confirmation email should come from the address ended with any of the following @accor.com @accorhotel.com @novotel.com. My order information should be in the email body for verification.
2. I will use the reservation letter to check in if I don't get the further information from the offical Accor email.
3. I reserve the right for sueing Accor for leaking my privacy if there is no further clarification email from Accor (Please refer createria in item 1). This email will be handed off as a proof of violation the customer privacy protection.
XXX 。。。。。我旁观