已收到邮件,直接取消。Dear Mr ..........,
Thank you for booking the Royal Paradise Hotel & Spawith us.
Unfortunately there has been a rate issues and the rates at which you have booked for is incorrect, therefore we had to cancel the following booking :XXXXXXXand refund you all the money.
If you still need the hotel we will be happy to help and book at the correct rate.
Kind Regards,
Diana Mihaylova
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本帖最后由 janis0622 于 2012-9-29 17:50 编辑
{:7_337:}这尼玛比BOOKING更狠。。。商都没的商量~~时间都不给你宽限。直接关闭!照这样下去,以后有BUG酒店~还要不要订啊。。。。抢得累死了。。。结果都是一场空。。。{:7_332:} 你是收到确认件后,又被取消了的吗? 太过份啦,我刚去邮箱看了看,果然,收到取消信了,TM的!!!{:5_367:}
难道出BUG不是网站自己问题吗?为何要我们承受损失呢?太坑爹啦!!!{:6_706:} 555555555555,我也是啊,刚刚收到来信说取消 ·····没收到确认函 也没收到取消信···网站状态一直是待定······看样子离取消不远了· 哎 同被取消。 如何维权?!!! 本帖最后由 lsgmm73 于 2012-9-29 18:16 编辑
啥也没收到,估计快了,被砍{:5_359:} 太不厚道了,可以怎么维权呢?