Dear Sir/Madam,Greetings from ASTON Bali Beach Resort & Spa
Thank you for your email. In accordance to your reservations, did you receive email notification from Agoda related status your room booking?
We believe that Agoda has sent notification to the guest as system error for the currency.
Apologize for inconvenience caused, and if you have further question please feel free to contact us.
Kind Regards,
我发这个帖子只是提醒坛子里的同学,还没确认的不要盲目什么找转让或者转送,这个言之过早 agoda同意,酒店不同意,又要扯皮了! 我是发给agoda的。。。这个是酒店的吧。。。我们就看戏吧{:7_322:} 这个看起来更可信 其实我想知道 每次这些BUG房间的价格错误 是在酒店方还是代理方的呢?
如果是酒店方错误造成的 那代理方不是很冤了! 关注着... 嘿嘿嘿嘿。。。。。。 AGODA这次损失貌似比前几次都严重 方案迟迟不能出来 我也收到了版主一样的邮件,有趣的是,我下边还有另外一段,贴出来跟大家分享:
Apologize that we cannot found the room rates as per attached form. Would you mind to send me details of you room price when you have booking made from Agoda.