Mr.Jeremy1988 发表于 2019-8-30 12:01:49


在宿雾想去卡瓦山瀑布 由于当天晚上6:45晚上航班得回去不知道最早一班宿雾-墨宝的是几点?

pp0pp 发表于 2019-8-30 12:09:09

To get to Moalboal from Cebu City, get to the Cebu South Bus Terminal and get on the next bus departing. They run 24/7

Mr.Jeremy1988 发表于 2019-8-30 12:17:33

pp0pp 发表于 2019-08-30 12:09
To get to Moalboal from Cebu City, get to the Cebu South Bus Terminal and get on the next bus departing. They run 24/7

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