长滩岛Crown Regency Beach Resort 的BUG价 有可能会被砍单!
预订了6月份3晚2间 支付及入住确认单都很顺利!但20分钟后又收到另一封邮件:
Thank you for your booking this afternoon through Skoosh at theCrown Regency Beach Resort. It looks like the hotel have made a mistake in entering theirrates for the time of your stay, as the rate that you paid seemsextremely low. Where there are errors in prices entered on oursite we endeavour to get them resolved as quickly as possible,and this price was disabled as soon as we noticed.As this is a genuine error, the hotel may well ask us to canceland refund all bookings - if this is the case we will informyou as soon as possible. Hopefully, the hotel will honour the rate they provided and thiswon't be a problem but please keep this in mind when making otherplans. We will inform you as soon as we know any more. Best regards, Matt Skoosh Reservationswww.skoosh.comres@skoosh.com
目测悲剧,单太多了, :L,是哦,这酒店估计要亏死啦 我没有收到后序的单子哦 这个酒店订单基本悲剧,运气好点的,订房网给点赔偿 怎么样才知道砍了没砍