Dear Mr ***,I am contacting you regarding the reservation that you made for *** at the the Crown Regency Beach Resort Hotel for the period of Check-in: 2013-10-**, Check-out:2013-10-**.
As you may probably understand, the rates were incorrect and the booking has been cancelled by our supplier.
If you wish to have a confirmed booking for this hotel, kindly we advise to make a new reservation.
We do hope that you can understand that we did all we can to assist you with your hotel booking.
Kindest Regards,
说曹操,曹操到…… 1月份的订单还在,速度砍了吧。。。 砍吧砍吧不是罪 那就只剩最后Skoosh网站了。。。
在网站的订单已经查不到了 该来的都会来,全部额退款就算了 不知道,是否会损失汇率,用欧元支付的 langqinqiu 发表于 2012-12-6 14:06 static/image/common/back.gif