长滩Crown Regency Beach Resort大羊毛来邮件了
刚刚收到订房网的邮件,邮件如下,麻烦各位看看是否有补偿我100刀啊{:6_703:}Hello, Thank you for your patience as we have been communicating with the hotel.I am very sorry for any inconvenience that the hotel may have caused by listing the incorrect rates for your stay.Sadly the hotel will not be able to accept the reservation you had made using the rates they had published by mistake though they have offered a full refund plus an additional $100 USD as an apology for the mistake.If you would like to accept this refund and additional compensation payment please complete and return the attached form and we will process the payment directly to your account and it will be in your account in 2 working days.The other option would be to take a reservation at another hotel, (to be advised if you take this option), close to the Crown Regency Beach Resort at a more realistic rate, though still discounted. With this option there would be no $100 compensation.I look forward to your reply and any further comments you may have 你也是100刀啊 LZ哪个网站订的··我们取消怎么啥都木有啊 ?{:6_708:} 太美了。。是OTEL吗 {:6_703:}是啊,邮件的意思应该是说要不就赔100刀,可能要两个工作日后。要不就重新选择酒店,这样会更加快,但没有100刀送,本人鸟语不在行,请在行的童鞋看看 SKOOSH定的吧 我也是SKOOSH定的。那个退款的表格实在是不知道该怎么填…… 明天再填了,反正这两天也不是工作日,不急,{:6_672:} 到处旅行的鱼 发表于 2012-12-16 00:54 static/image/common/back.gif
是啊,邮件的意思应该是说要不就赔100刀,可能要两个工作日后。要不就重新选择酒店,这样会更加快 ...
我看也是这个意思。。。{:7_330:} 有100刀赔偿,早知道没用也定{:6_706:}