本人菜鸟一个,求助各位大侠:在网上申请斯里兰卡电子签证,申请我时,有一栏是孩子的,我就填写了,要多收一个人的费用,也出签了,我怎么打印孩子的签证啊?孩子超过12岁了,我害怕孩子出不去海关?也没填写孩子的护照号码。就把下面的打印出来就可以吗?We are pleased to inform that your application for ETA has been approved.
ETA No : 130105VI17
Name: MS.
Nationality: CHINA (CHN)
Passport No: G39837253
Purpose of Travel: Tourist - Sightseeing, holidaying
Visit Type: Double
Validity of ETA: 04/07/2013
Surname Other Names Date of Birth Gender Relationship
ZHANG ZHITING 02/08/1999 Female CHILD
This ETA allows you entry in to Sri Lanka for the purpose mentioned in your applicatio. Please produce your passport together with return air ticket and proof of sufficient funds to the Immigration officer at the port of entry in Sri Lanka. You may be granted 30 days visa on arrival. If you wish to extend your stay in Sri Lanka beyond 30 days, an extension can be obtained. Please visit www.eta.gov.lk for more information. 我也不清楚呢,帮顶吧 本帖最后由 seatlle 于 2013-1-6 11:28 编辑