20号,21号求拼车。二个大人带一五岁小孩。具体行程如下,QQ553713802013/1/208:00-8:30 get up, have breakfeast, check out
8:30-9:00 pick up to Nusa dua for water sport
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Uluwatu情人崖
15:00-16:00 Blue point蓝点下午茶
17:00 back to hotel check in and sunsetLa joya biubiu,Jinbaran
2013/1/218:00-8:30 get up, have breakfeast, check out
9:00-10:00 Tanah Lot海神庙
10:10-10:30 Pacung梯田
10:50-11:30 Bedugul百度库
11:30-12:30 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Botanical Garden植物园
15:00-16:00 Ulun Danu Temple 女神庙
17:00 check inSri Ratih Cottages ,UBUD