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Win 250,000 Points: Enough for 10 Award Nights!Your next travel adventure might be closer than you think. “Like” VOILÀ on Facebook and enter for a chance to win 250,000 points. Exchange those points for 10 Award Nights at any VOILÀ hotel. In addition to the grand prize, another 25 lucky “likers” will win 10,000 points.这是自己邮箱收到的链接,不知道别人可以用伐?大家去自己邮箱看看,要翻墙上facebook。http://links.email.vhr.com/ctt?kn=1&ms=NDE2NzY3NTcS1&r=NTA5NDk5MDY4OTES1&b=0&j=MTkwNTU2MzEyS0&mt=1&rt=0
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