airbnb被砍之後打去help centre得到這樣的回復
We have reviewed your account and determined that you have violated our Terms of Service. Due to these violations we have decided in the best of interest of Airbnb, and for the users on our site, to remove you from our community.We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, but we will contact you if anything changes in the future. Until then, we will no longer be able to assist you further with your account issues.另一個用來邀請人的主帳號現在也不能訂房了。很多朋友註冊了訂了房,但是不是帳號被封了,所以收不到錢了?
我都住了回来了 两个账号都没问题 我被砍后在也没上过这个网。。直接PASS 好奇楼主订了几单? lucaiyi 发表于 2014-4-20 18:44 static/image/common/back.gif
兩單, 3月台中5月台北。
台中是出發前兩天砍的。好在我朋友用 發春 訂了一家,信用卡付款后,才跟屋主說要late check in,屋主於是取消了她的單。她再打去help center申訴,center給了她一個一次性的碼,相當於 發春+信用卡付了的錢。
然後我就借用了。 发春?Vouncher?