Iata places OTA in €14m default over unpaid bills23 June 2014 | By Sophie GriffithsOnline travel agency is understood to be in discussions with Iata after a letter was issued last week suspending the company from trading.
The letter, which was sent to airlines, has been seen by TTG, and reveals that the company owes a total of €45 million.In it Iata states: “Regrettably, we have to inform you that earlier this morning we were forced to place the UK office in default, due to their inability to meet the deadline of their remittance obligations (sales of the month of May).“Further to the default declaration for BSP UK, we have also proceeded to suspend the agent in Greece and Germany, due to the common ownership structure of these agencies”.The airline association added that it had been monitoring daily the sales per market for the last plus 50 days, “with several weekly calls with AirFastTicket group’s management, to discuss and agree on risk mitigation actions”.It said that “ticketing authority for all BSP airlines in these markets has been removed by IATA and communicated to the GDSs”.
The OTA’s May and June sales for the UK totalled €23.5 million. The amount at risk for the UK is €13.9 million.The CAA has confirmed to TTG that the company has a standard Atol, which is still in place.In addition to its UK site, AirFastTickets has websites for the US, Russian, German and Greek markets.The company has so far failed to respond to TTG’s attempts to contact it.
之前5月份订的龙目岛酒店,今天酒店通知我说AFT没有通知他们有预订,悲剧啊,全款付清的,刚刚写了邮件,盼望以上消息是假消息! 凉拌,我也这家定的机票,脑残了 我撸的酒店都有住的,明天还有最后一间深圳罗湖智选假日酒店,已经确认了有预定 前几天打电话给酒店,确认有订单的。。。
另一间今天明天2晚二星也入住。只收取200泰猪迷你吧酒水押金。。 应该没问题的吧,我的酒店都确认了,我订了杭州的酒店两间两晚,还一再和我确认是不是订重复了,是否要取消一套。