We would like to inform you that your bookings under Reference Number KF5P3R, IY5FGT and D3GTRY are under our promo fare which is non-refundable and cannot be stored in a Travel Fund. You may however rebook it provided applicable fees be paid. Please be advised that rebooking must be done more than 4hours prior the flight. For booking changes, please contact our 24-hour Call Center at +632 7020888 or log on to our website.
作者: stella 时间: 2012-5-2 19:40
意思是说你订的特价票是不能退款的,不能保留到旅游基金里的。但你可以支付所需的一定费用后重新预订,必须在起飞前4小时订票。关于更改预订,请与客服联系或登录网站。作者: stella 时间: 2012-5-2 19:41
基本上是些废话作者: jorry 时间: 2012-5-2 19:42
which is non-refundable and cannot be stored in a Travel Fund
You may however rebook it provided applicable fees be paid
好像是这个意思!作者: purety 时间: 2012-5-2 19:42 本帖最后由 purety 于 2012-5-2 19:42 编辑
KF5P3R, IY5FGT and D3GTRY的单子不能退款