2. 1 color photo (passport size, white background)
3. Birth Certificate in Spanish, duly notarized and legalized in the Consulate of Ecuador
4. Document of not having criminal record in Spanish, duly notarized and legalized in the Consulate of Ecuador (validity 3 months)
5. International Health Certificate updated (original document and copy) [optional].
6. Certificate of Immunization for fever yellow, cholera, hepatitis A (original document and copy) [optional].
7. Proof of having enough funds for the trip: savings account checkbook or printed report with movement of the last 6 months of the applicant in a Chinese bank; social security payments or labor contract; ownership certificate of real estate (original documents and their copies)
8. Roundtrip ticket with confirmed booking with phone number, address of travel agency 作者: tycho 时间: 2012-7-3 00:30
那个黄本本留着去非洲还有用,呵呵作者: xibaoxibao12 时间: 2012-7-3 09:56
不是免签吗作者: 人字拖林达 时间: 2012-7-3 14:25