刚刚试了可以的,用火狐看看。作者: ‘Sweetie。 时间: 2016-3-7 10:19
宿务会员怎么注册呀作者: alisonlee 时间: 2016-3-7 22:41
已注册,谢谢作者: hzanson 时间: 2016-3-7 23:02
这样注册了 不付款 有积分吗作者: lanbin8833 时间: 2016-3-7 23:21
第二次尝试,成功,哦也作者: doris_lee 时间: 2016-3-8 00:06
求解答啊!!!我按照注册了账户,但是登陆的密码老是错误?我翻看之前填写的资料,没有要求设置密码啊?怎么找到这个密码?? 作者: sa r r a yu 时间: 2016-4-29 12:41
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All you have to do is to settle the membership fee payment of P150, and you can enjoy the full perks of being a GetGo member.
Please read and accept the Terms and Conditions below, and proceed with payment to fully activate your account today.提示叫我去付款作者: 玥玥shine 时间: 2016-4-29 13:50
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