提示什么呢作者: meswell 时间: 2012-7-10 12:43
已经试了N遍了N个信用卡,信用卡手续费还被银行扣了,最后都是提示付款不成功。作者: meswell 时间: 2012-7-10 12:44
There is a problem opening your itinerary at this time. If this itinerary has not been
deleted and the problem persists, please call Expedia.co.th at 001-800-12-0667078 (toll
free) or at +66-2-1055728 from outside Thailand. 作者: 太阳1975 时间: 2012-7-10 12:54
meswell 发表于 2012-7-10 12:44
There is a problem opening your itinerary at this time. If this itinerary has not been