What is the Free Baggage Allowance (FBA) for Caticlan flights?
10 kilos.
What is the FBA for your other Domestic flights?
10 kilos.
What is the FBA for your International (Singapore) flights?
10 kilos.
What is the handcarry allowance?
1 piece at 7 kilos.
What is the allowable baggage size?
62 in. (158 cm.) in dimension (Length+Width+Height)
What is the allowable hand carry size?
45 inches (115 cm.) in dimension (Length+Width+Height).
How much do you charge for excess baggage? Domestic flights: PHP150.00 (inclusive of 12% VAT) per kilo. International flights: PHP400.00 per kilo from the Philippines and SGD15.00 from Singapore.
PHP400.00 per kilo from the Philippines and HKD73.00 from Hong Kong.
PHP400.00 per kilo from the Philippines and MYR30.00 from Kuala Lumpur.
Do you extend additional Free Baggage Allowance for passengers connecting from an International flight? No. Carrying-over the FBA of connecting passengers from international flights is not applicable on Airphil Express flights.
We are traveling in a group but one of us won't travel anymore.Can the Free Baggage Allowance (FBA) be transferred?
No. The FBA is per passenger, per ticket.