如果我有美签我就不用再办理飞签了吧?作者: seatlle 时间: 2019-3-10 20:47
不建议这么走作者: 18802100268 时间: 2019-3-10 22:01
去领事馆办个WEG作者: sailorzhang 时间: 2019-3-10 22:50
费钱,费时间,相当麻烦作者: 51207734 时间: 2019-3-11 16:09
费时 费力 费钱作者: 51207734 时间: 2019-3-11 16:09
费时 费力 费钱作者: 穆易航空 时间: 2019-3-12 18:09
For minor applicants (14 years old and below), the following documents
should be submitted: 如未满 15 岁人士,提供以下文件:
(1) Original and photocopy of birth certificate or household registration;
(2) Photocopy of the passport of the traveling companion;
(3) If not traveling with either parent, notarized Affidavit of Consent to
Travel and Request for the Issuance of the Waiver of Exclusion
Grounds (WEG) signed by parent/s, and ID/s of parent/s are required.
NOTE: Children under the age of fifteen (15) years old who are
traveling without their parents are required to apply for a Waiver of
Exclusion Ground (WEG) with the Philippine Bureau of Immigration
upon arrival at the port of entry, and submit the following documents:
宾移民局递交以下文件申请“拒绝入境豁免证明”(简称 WEG):
(a) Notarized Affidavit of Consent to Travel and Request for the
Issuance of the Waiver of Exclusion Grounds (WEG) by either
parent, naming therein the person who will be accompanying
the child to the Philippines and with whom the child will stay
while in the country; 父母其中一方出具的,经过公证的声明书
(b) Birth Certificate of the child; 儿童出生证复印件;
(c) Clear photocopy of the data page of the child's passport;
(d) Clear photocopy of the data page of the passport of the
accompanying adult or guardian; and 携同儿童赴菲之成年人/
(e) Payment of immigration fee (about Php3,120 per child). 费用:
每名儿童 3120 披索。作者: 穆易航空 时间: 2019-3-12 18:14
简单说,就是去公证处出个英文公证WEG,入境时交3120PESO。按上面准备材料。作者: 穆易航空 时间: 2019-3-12 18:18