2月份看到论坛推送时买的,那时候世界疫情还不严重!大家别喷! 作者: benzcom 时间: 2020-6-1 14:23
我6月份的前几天刚退 直飞的航班没了达美那边可以退全额 肥猪代理秒退作者: luyanger88 时间: 2020-6-1 14:30
我是7月底的,客服电话一直打不通作者: boker 时间: 2020-6-1 14:33
航班肯定会取消的,取消了后再退没有问题的作者: NateGong 时间: 2020-6-1 15:54
放心吧,你这个特价想飞达美也不会让你飞,一张能卖几万的机票还会让你往返2000飞吗,航司精得很。作者: zwangxin1 时间: 2020-6-2 08:32
电过去问吧,上次问现在的政策到9.30作者: luyanger88 时间: 2020-6-2 11:44
电话一直打不通作者: wxx731026 时间: 2020-6-4 15:26
我也是七月底达美直飞美国的票,达美电话一直无人接听作者: luyanger88 时间: 2020-6-8 09:38
If you no longer plan to travel and would like to change or cancel your trip, please visit My Trips on delta.com prior to your scheduled flight and follow the step-by-step instructions here. If you choose to cancel, rest assured the value of your ticket won’t be lost. Your original ticket number becomes an eCredit and we are now extending the ability to plan and re-book travel affected by coronavirus for up to two years, making eligible tickets redeemable for a longer period.
是不是不能退钱了?作者: ELENAYI654321 时间: 2020-6-10 14:29