是啊,客服还告诉我必须是酷航自己的,而且还必须在同一个订单内····然后我在他们网站上找到这个 http://support.flyscoot.com/entr ... -an-interline-fare-
Would I be able to purchase Scoot-thru if I bought 2 separate tickets without an interline fare?
Esther Tan
发表于 05月20日 10:41
You will not be able to purchase Scoot-Thru online at flyscoot.com. You may, however, purchase Scoot-Thru upon arrival in Singapore. Do note, however, that because you are not on an interline fare, in case a delay causes you to miss your onward flight, we will not be able to book you onto the next available Scoot or partner airline flight. You will be responsible for any required rebooking. 作者: zudas 时间: 2013-10-17 20:01
问题是如果分两次买,一次虎航一次酷航那当然不行啊也没法购买联程服务,要获得联程服务必须在统一订单号码下在其中一家购买含两家间的航班才行作者: zudas 时间: 2013-10-17 20:08