作者: ilovepow 时间: 2014-2-14 02:10
Thanks for reaching out. It looks like your account was flagged for unusual activity pertaining to our referral program. In some cases, this doesn't mean that you've done anything wrong, but someone associated with your account may have performed some suspicious activity.
Please keep in mind that against our policy for an individual to refer themselves multiple times to use multiple referral credits, or use multiple coupon codes for the same continuous stay. 作者: angelfish7 时间: 2014-2-15 14:55
各位,楼上个各楼层链接都被封了。我的是已预订成功并且后天马上会入住的,欢迎大家用我的链接:http://www.travelpony.com/?rc=amed作者: 可可西里 时间: 2014-2-18 12:33