弱弱地问下楼主 BPG是什么东东 怎么才能订到比较便宜的酒店呢??多谢 |
我也想订这个酒店,期待你的后续分享 |
支持支持!!! |
好详细呀,一定要顶! |
好教程,谢谢分享。。 |
支持!!等待LZ更新BPG结果~~~现在都有童鞋反映说hc涨价了,要是不能用BPG。。。 |
USD2是个测试,不会出现在你帐单里的。 |
linlin0829 发表于 2012-3-13 12:08 static/image/common/back.gif 不好意思,我的后来支付的11美金都没短信提示,2美金也不知道有没有, 网银也查不到,等几天吧,可能国外消费需要对账时间的。 如果我查到有了告诉你。 |
linlin0829 发表于 2012-3-13 12:06 static/image/common/back.gif I’ve found a lower rate, how do I claim? To claim this Guarantee, you must send an email to Best_price@hotelclub.com to our customer service centre and include the following details: Your booking ID with HotelClub; The link to the website where you found the cheaper rate(s); and The rate(s) provided by that website. What’s the deadline to submit my claim? You must submit your claim to Best_price@hotelclub.com within 24 hours of completing your booking. |
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