我把昨天格式化 发表于 2012-7-18 20:01 static/image/common/back.gif 嗯,谢谢这位仁兄,我是货真价实的菜鸟哇 |
只能同情楼主了!! |
长记性了 |
话说,多数人订的都没加空调VIFI等其它,就是怕有什么变故的,所以,一天20块也不会觉得心痛了 你以后一定要记住呀,这些附加的,可以到以后再加的,也降低自已的损失,哎,等于交了学费吧, 也不要太上火了……。 |
悲剧悲剧 |
下次注意看英文条款吧,特价一般都是不能取消不能改期的,而且不要一起买空调神马的,反正前台一个价。这样自己损失也少 |
graccie张 发表于 2012-7-17 15:51 static/image/common/back.gif 预订成功并且入住,房费不退 预订取消必须在至少入住前三天,入住前两天内的取消均不退款 不是这么写的嘛?我可是提前4个月取消的啊!! |
能否尝试恢复订单? 既然退了一毛钱都收不到,不如尝试恢复订单, 转让或者送给有缘人 |
本帖最后由 graccie张 于 2012-7-17 15:53 编辑 虽然很同情LZ,但是预定条款要看清楚哦: Please take note that we practice a strict check in and check out policy; ¡ Check In Time : 1400 hours onwards ¡ Check Out Time : 1100 hours l The person named as guest in this booking must be present at checkin,you are not allowed to checkin under someone else's name. l Deposits are required upon receiving room keycard. (Applicable to certain hotels only). l Room requests such as connecting rooms, side by side, etc can only be made at the front desk upon check in and is subject to availability. l Once bookings are made and/or guest(s) are checked in, bookings are nonrefundable.预定成功/入住,房费不退 l Booking cancellations MUST be done at least 3 days before the scheduled checkin date. Total payment is deemed forfeited for any cancellation within 2 days of the scheduled check in time. l Cancellations/name change can only be made online at https://bookings.tunehotels.com/AccClient/MyInformation.asp. Cancellations/name change charges apply (Please refer http://www.tunehotels.com/feehotelschedule). l Please refer to our FAQ for further information. |
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