谷歌了一下,目前英文新闻只说了落地签恢复到之前的1000,报道免签证新闻的几乎都是台湾媒体 Bangkok: In a bid to woo more tourists, Thailand on Tuesday halved the visa-on-arrival fee for tourists from India and 18 other countries. The fee will now be 1,000 baht (about Rs 2,000). The change was announced less than two months after visa fee was increased to baht 2,000 on September 27. Thailand’s economy relies heavily on foreign tourists. The move is intended to boost tourist arrivals, which is a key economic engine for the country. Meanwhile, the Cabinet has extended to 10 years from one the long-stay visa for foreigners aged 50 or more. However, they must report to immigration police every 90 days. PTI |
9528 发表于 2016-11-22 19:08 我上次去是直接免费落地签盖章,你的6块钱不包来回邮费的吧 |
如果是真的就好了! |
这推送也不说清楚,瞎推送 |
到淘宝上 拍一个就知道啦。我上次也是碰到免费的。就花了六元钱淘宝办理的 |
廉航版有张微博截图 |
和楼主同求问,一样的春节需求。 |
我也想问,搜了各种都没找到确切消息 |
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