领导帮忙给看看马尼拉.3.22到26还有没有。酒店的位置是在那?谢谢 |
ws5183 发表于 2017-1-15 22:14 另:这个链接 [url]http://www.gohotels.ph/contact-us/[/url] 自16年8月1日起不再接受投诉了:以下是他们系统的自动回复 Please be informed that I am out of the office with no access to my email and will no longer be connected with Robinsons Land Corporation - Go Hotels / Summit Hotels, effective August 1, 2016. Kindly direct all email inquiries or concerns to gohotels.customerservice@robinsonsland.com for assistance. Forurgent concerns, you may contact our 24 hours Customer CARE Hotline +63 (2) 398 8119 or 398 8788 / 0922.464.6835(CALLS ONLY) Thank you and God Bless! Sincerely, Germaine David现在有问题联系这个: gohotels.customerservice@robinsonsland.com |
pp0pp 发表于 2017-1-12 20:45 谢谢超级版主,今天收到订单确认件了.昨天他们回复要求我提供付款凭证,后来上网银把信用卡付款清单的对应部份截图并用光影魔术手将姓名,卡号(留下后4位)修掉后发送给他们,今天就收到确认单了. |
本帖最后由 pp0pp 于 2017-1-12 20:46 编辑 ws5183 发表于 2017-1-12 20:36 I booked a double room in Dumaguete via gohotels.ph. Due to system reason, I did not receive the confirmation e-mail. Below is the booking detail: Check in Date: 2017-xx-xx Location: Dumaguete Room type: Double Room Guest Name: XXXXXX Guest e-mail: xxx@xxx.com Would you please forward the confirmation e-mail to me, thanks. |
pp0pp 发表于 2017-1-12 20:27 好的,因我英文很差现试着借助翻译软件填一下,若不行我还得请教你.谢谢! |
pp0pp 发表于 2017-1-12 20:08 因没有订单确认号码,查不下去.应如何找回确认号码?谢谢? |
ws5183 发表于 2017-1-12 19:55 这里查询。 https://gohotels1.robinsonsland.com/GoBooking.nsf/EditBooking?openform |
求教pp0pp超极版主:今天下午预订了杜马格特Gohotels酒店,在线付款后不知何因网页没有跳转至订单确认页,但银行短信通知巳扣款.现应如何找回已确认订单?谢谢! |
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