亲爱的 以后这种情况不要妥协 威胁他收lawer latter |
六宝 发表于 2012-9-19 12:50 static/image/common/back.gif 楼主英文真是赞,万一我在BOOKING订的房不承认了,就找楼主帮我写英文信 |
最后结果还是不错的! |
zhangaq 发表于 2012-9-19 11:16 static/image/common/back.gif 我去。。。您真是抬举我了 |
LZ的英文信写的好好,学习下~~ |
最后一次沟通,expedia直接给我打电话了,可惜我的英语听力和口语实在交流困难,也没完全听明白客服说什么,最后没办法就ok ok了。。后来查了下expedia帐户,给了我150RM的券。还可以了。我怎么在电话里听她说给我50呢。。。难道给错了? |
绝对要索赔到底,支持楼主,起码一晚房费赔偿 |
第一,你要说沟通是你们事,和我建立合同的是Expedia,我没有理由去关心你的错误。 第二,我觉得一晚免费或者50USD都可以,选高的吧 |
Thank you for contacting Exepedia.com.my regarding your recent stay at "Palmyra Patong Resort". I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have gone through. Please be informed that the hotel had charged us successfully for your reservation however, they did not provided us the hotel confirmation number. Therefore, we could not provide it to you. I would request you to send us your consent regarding the goodwill coupon so that we can add it in your account. I appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward for your prompt response. Thank you for choosing Expedia.com.my. 又给我回信了。还是说是酒店的责任。不过这次问我想要多少钱的优惠券。。。我要不要回信说给我一天的房价作为补偿。。。 |
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