哎,天哪,我还没有开始买它就已经涨起来了,太黑了 |
本帖最后由 love霖宝宝 于 2014-3-27 22:57 编辑 maninter 发表于 2014-3-27 21:05 楼上牛人!要是科伦坡返吉隆坡时间有改动,别忘了通知下噢! |
Ancillary Bundles Will Be Removed from Colombo Flights Dear Valued Partners, Effective 13 March 2014, our ancillary items (checked baggage and inflight meal) to/from Colombo will be optional, and they will need to be booked separately upon flight booking. Additional charges for the ancillary items will be applied. Bookings made prior to 13 March 2014 are not affected by this change. We deeply regret for any inconvenience caused. Regards, Sales & Distribution AirAsia X 其实是有公布,只是对内公布 所以大家不知道咯。。。 |
各位骂的先搞清楚再开骂吧 ..... 只要你行李单上有行李额度 就不会再收你钱了 |
亚航厚道,认大特价的 |
订单已confirmed,有免费行李 |
只要你现在是confirmed,然后订单里面还包含行李的,大可放心 |
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