本帖最后由 claud 于 2012-5-1 18:17 编辑
Dear xxx,
Spring is here and we’re feeling generous, so we’ve decided to offer our users 2 x $30 coupons* for use on www.wimdu.com in April. You can use one yourself and forward one to a friend, or simply treat yourself to two separate trips this year.
You can travel to any destination, anytime, but be quick to book - the coupons expire in 5 days! Visit Wimdu today and find your perfect place to stay. For inspiration about where to go, check out our recommendations below.
Happy traveling!
| Coupon code for you: | Coupon code for your friend: | 9u72kf | eu3d3d | 我是26日收到的信,刚才才想起来,试了一下,还能用。必须要80美金以上才减30美金。如果有朋友需要,就用吧,好像到今天结束吧。用的人记得要标记一下那个用过了,好吗? |