本帖最后由 sunnyzhang1979 于 2012-11-13 22:09 编辑
- One night stay at ONE of the eight "the b hotels" for only JPY 2,500 subject to availability
- Booking period: November 13, 2012 12PM to November 16, 2012 12PM or until sold out
- Stay period: December 25, 2012 to January 15, 2013 excluding New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, January 12th and other restrictions depending on the hotel
We are offering total of 600 rooms!
This offer is on a first-come-first-serve basis, so book it while you can!
Please note that there is restriction on room type, dates, and availability.
User Account : theb.hotels
Password : FBW2500
[url=https://advance.reservation.jp/ishinhotelsgroup/stay_pc/rsv/cp_lgn.aspx?hi_id=12&lang=en-US&cp=3https://advance.reservation.jp/i ... lang=en-US&cp=3]https://advance.reservation.jp/ishinhotelsgroup/stay_pc/rsv/cp_lgn.aspx?hi_id=12&lang=en-US&cp=3https://advance.reservation.jp/i ... lang=en-US&cp=3[/url]
Please also note the following:
*Advance payment by credit card is required upon booking - your card will be debited on your check-in date.
*Once the booking is made there can be NO changes or cancellations made - and no refunds will be given.
*For no-shows, we will charge 100% of the cost on your credit card on your check out day.
*To be eligible for this offer you MUST use your real name which should be the name you have registered on Facebook.
*Only a one-night stay may be booked at only ONE b hotel.
*If you book more than one night/ room, the additional rooms/ nights will be charged at regular BAR (Best Available Rate).
*If you are not a fan you will be charged the regular BAR (Best Available Rate) for your stay.
*Ineligible bookings will be cancelled.