本帖最后由 nana0415 于 2012-2-8 13:23 编辑
Good day to you.
With effect from 1 April 2011, Transfer and Transit passengers will be required to pay Passenger Service Charge (PSC) and Passenger Security Service Charge (PSSC) of $12 if their turnaround time is within 24 hrs. The PSC and PSSC for each departing passenger at Terminal 1,2 and 3 is $28. Airlines would declare these passengers and collect the charges on behalf of Changi Airport Group.
If the airlines declared you as a Transfer passenger and $12 is paid to us, there will be no refund.
However, if the airlines declared you as a departing passenger and $28 is paid to us, we would refund the difference of $16 to you.
You are required to fill up the attached application form for refund and attached it together with the following documents:
i) Copy of passport;
ii) Boarding Pass of arrival;
iii) Tickets of departure.