本帖最后由 Ddonie 于 2012-8-29 13:12 编辑
1) MANAGE YOUR BOOKING tool on Flyscoot.com
Only just launched, this functionality will allow you to make changes to your booking(s) online on your own, without having to go through our call centre. While change fees and fare top ups still apply, we hope that this will make servicing your booking as easy as you'd like it to be.
2) Promo fares are now CHANGEABLE!
Up till now, we've tried to keep things simple by making all our promo bookings non-changeable. However, we've received a ton of feedback and real-life examples from our Community regarding the drawbacks of this approach, we've changed it! So from now on, sale or no-sale, the changeability for ALL our tickets will be the same. Excited for the next sale?
特价票也可以变更,变更政策和普通票一样 。意味着在政策内可退税,可改期 ,不知道可不可以更名。需要补差价,另外不知道有没有手续费
3) 12-hour GRACE period for making changes!
Perhaps the change that has been most inspired by feedback from our Community, because we've seen a lot of genuine cases that could have benefited from what we'd like to offer you from now on: a 12-hour grace period (from the time of purchase) to make any changes to your booking, without incurring a change fee! But please note that fare difference top ups will still apply, and that this policy will only be applicable if you call our call centre or make the change yourself on FlyScoot.com, because email timestamps will not suffice.
12小时的 自由变动期。从预订成功后12小时内可以对机票进行修改,不收取任何费用(改期需要补差价,估计多出部分也是不能退的,这个政策优于亚航,捷星,抢错票就不怕了)
We really hope that these changes do ease a lot of the concerns that have been highlighted by our Scoot community. Thanks a lot for the support, thanks for the feedback, and we hope to see you onboard soon.
以上信息来源 FB