上个月,终于又见10刀的促销,正巧很多syd-ool的需求,就一口气买了十几张10刀票。今天收到tiger email,顿觉不妙,果然,最早的一个航班(七月底)被取消。死性不改!不过能提前一个多月通知我,已经感激涕零了。
看到后边的option,我彻底原谅tiger了。不曾想在tiger au的世界,航班被取消是件大好事儿:
Should you find your new flight unsuitable please contact our call centre to discuss the below options:
1. Change your departure date
Depart within 7 days from the original departure date, and we will waive the change fee and the difference in fare.
2. Change your destination
Depart within 7 days from the original departure date, and we will waive the change fee.
Please note that differences in fare and/or taxes & charges apply.
3. Get a flight credit
The flight credit will be valid for 6 months.
4. Get a refund
Opt for a full/partial refund for the affected sector.
ps,关于jetstar澳洲的退改政策是,无论起飞还是到达,哪怕变动五分钟,也可以上网选择前后一班飞。你也可以打call center要求更宽泛的变动期限,然并卵!他们的option跟你网上看到的是一样的。继续死磕,也许卵!